Are You Taking Advantage of Google Posting Features For Your Business?

The Benefits of Google Posts

You may be thinking, why would I need to use Google platform when I already use Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.?

And you have a point.

These social platforms are still great ways to post updates about your business.

Although similar, Google Posts offer a few advantages that the typical social media platforms do not, including the following:

They’re more searchable

You can literally “Google it.”

When searching for a business, these posts will appear directly on Google Search and Google Maps pages.

Google Posts have been proven to increase map pack rankings, and they offer a way for businesses to display messages to search users.

Top Tip: If you’re repurposing Facebook or blog posts in your GBP Posts, you’re not doing it right!

There are a ton of ways that you can utilize Google’s posting features.

There are currently three Post types you can choose from, which can be found in the ‘promote’ tab:

1. Update Post

2. Offer Post

3. Event Post

Should I bother with Google Business Profile Posts?


Google Business Profile Posts offer a great opportunity to attract and convert customers, as well as providing Google with lots of information about your business in terms of ‘entity’

Many business owners are yet to figure out how to effectively use Google Business Profile.

Those businesses who are early adopters of technology usually have a competitive advantage.

Your business will have an advantage if your local competitors are not using this feature.

Google loves authenticity and the GBP posting feature is an opportunity to showcase your business and your content.

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