Uploading Photos to Your Google Business Profile Listing

Why is it Important to Upload Photos to Your Google Business Profile Listing?

How many businesses set up their Google listing years ago, added a few images and called it a day…..?

Or how often there is just one photo – their logo 😢

That’s a big mistake.

Even worse, some businesses use stock photos; don’t do that.

Google HATES stock images on business profiles.


Hint: Pinpoint Local has a way to get around this !

Google RARELY Tells Us SEO People Anything About Their Algorithm.


Except about PHOTOS.

Google clearly states that businesses with Google photos are more likely to receive Phone Calls, Clicks to Website, Messages, Bookings, Buy Online via their GBP, than business who don’t have photos.

So Google is telling business owners to upload GBP photos.

That’s Pure Gold.

However, many businesses struggle with uploading photos on their Google Business Profile.

Often business owners just need to re focus about the value of their Google Business Profile.

Pinpoint Local Works Along our Side Clients by Providing this Focus

Our Team are always looking at your competitors, reviewing your socials & website, repurposing your photos & content.

We know Google rewards consistency.

And oftentimes we will give a gentle timely reminder about your GBP photos 😏

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