Time Is Not On Your Side When It Comes To Google
Yes, you read it right!
I recently had an interesting conversation with a business owner who wanted to start working on their Google Business Profile (GBP) .
However the other business owner didn’t agree.
They just didn’t see the value in optimising their Google Business Profile because currently all of their new business was generated via referrals.
But this is not necessarily true.
First of all, many of those referrals are still going to conduct their own research online by searching on Google.
Even the most trusted referrals will tend to do their own research online before contacting a business.
I know I personally Google businesses that are referred to me, and I check out them, look at their reviews and also check out their competitors.
And.. guess what?
When you Google your business name, what do you see?
Your Google Business Profile shows up front & centre.
This means that, for many of your prospects, their first impression of your business is going to be on Google.
This will shape your prospects’ impression of your business well before you even get a chance to talk with them.
AND If you don’t see results for your business, then neither do your prospects!
Time Is Not On Your Side when it comes to Google
That’s because Google tends to trust established business profiles than newer ones.
So, the sooner you start optimizing your Google Business Profile, the better.
The longer you wait, the further ahead your competitors will be when you start!
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